Ashley T. Jones
Ashley Tamara Jones is her name. “My Ashley” is what I call her. One thing you are going to do when in her presence is laugh. She has a gift.
(Insert year) I met this beauty unexpectedly in the gym and we bonded immediately. Ashley brought so much laughter to my life in a season where it was needed.
During that time she was on her own journey as well. We organically began to lean on one another.
Ashley’s strength and maturity at such a young age was captivating. Her independence and determination to meet her goals was and still is astonishing.
Ms. Jones was just beginning a fitness journey when we first met. Her commitment to fitness led her to competing. In 2018 she competed in the Upstate classic and won first place in her class and took home the overall title. She competed in the Victory Classic winning first and overall title. This led her to competing within a national show in Las Vegas and New Jersey. Ms. Jones also began to leverage her experience and expertise to train others helping them to obtain their goals.
Ashley is also a Senior Analyst in corporate America.
A trait of hers that stand out to me is a passion towards her faith and personal relationship with God. When life happens, she prioritize keeping laughter a major part of her daily walk. Ashley has grown so much from the time we met and to be a small part of her journey is an honor. She has local and national titles, encouraged/coached so many, but for me, she will always be “My Ashley”. She is a light in a ever changing and sometimes dark world.
Check out her view of beauty.
What is beauty to you?
Beauty to me is the light that shines from anything or anyone. Meaning that you can feel the presence of that being or person because of the light that beams off them them.
What about yourself do you not like, and what about yourself do you love?
So I am pretty sure there could be a long list of items I could find that I don’t like about myself but one I have lived with all my life and have been insecure about is my sweaty hands and feet. It has impacted myself esteem and confidence all the time when I am around others.
What I love about myself is that I can be alone with myself. I know if can be a flaw because you can love your own company so much you can isolate people. But it’s not that at all, its the peace I have with myself, it’s the moments I can reflect on Gods hands on my life, being able to sit in my own company is apart of my beauty
What one thing are you working on to become a better you?
One thing I am working on to become a better me is loving myself unconditionally. I have learned that if I can love Ashley everyday on any given day no matter how I feel, whats going on in the world, or who I have around me I can be the best version of me. If I am the best version of me then I am everything I need to be for the people in my life and the people I may cross paths with.
Who do you admire most in this world (dead or alive, famous or not)? How do they inspire you?
I admire Chadwick Boseman, he is love, light, motivator, leader, he was, going to be the Martin Luther King of my time. We all have battles, we all fight, we all overcome, we fall short, we get back up we live to fight another day. Chadwick taught me an internal lesson I never knew I needed while he was dying he was servicing the world. Never asking for help doing what he could while he was on this earth. Its odd because I can’t explain the lesson he has taught me on paper but for a man that I never knew to leave a mark on my heart the lesson will forever be apart of me.
What do you admire most about other women? (Physical or not)
I admire most about other women is their beauty and if you remember I see beauty as someone’s light. Women created by God himself made us beautifully and wonderfully made. Every women’s light shows that from their walks, to their hair, their presence, their love, their flaws, their voice its everything about a women what is their not to admire.
Voices come in many forms. What do you want the world to hear and see when witnessing your beautiful voice?
So I really didn’t have an answer for this question, I don’t know what I want the world to hear and see when they witness my beautiful voice. At first I had negative thoughts that came to my mind and I thought there are no things about me the world would be able to hear or see about me, my voice is that loud. Then I felt like God whispered in my ears its not about them, express who its about. By this I mean the world doesn’t matter the people I have in my life and who I impact matter. There are times I don’t see myself in the best light but my friends do, my mom does, my dad does, the rest of my family and loved ones do. To witness my beautiful voice is to see the lives I have impacted. I know its not your typical response but its the answer that felt right.
Ashley T. Jones
She is gorgeous, she’s radiant, & she’s lovely.
Beauty comes in all forms, shades, and sizes
Photography: Amria Hancock @damiyasphotos
Make up: Roy Shaw @roybeauty_